EAN: 9784000288316
ISBN: 978-4-00-028831-6 // ISBN: 9784000288316
Year of publication: 2024
Publisher: Iwanami
Number of pages: 108
Language: Japanese
Country of origin: Japan
A must-have art book for fans of ‘Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind’ and Hayao Miyazaki in general.
Product description provided by the publisher:
Hayao Miyazaki creates hand-drawn illustrations to conceive his ideas for his films and to communicate the concepts to his staff. These are called "image boards". Hayao Miyazaki Image Board Series is a complete collection of Miyazaki's "image board" artwork held at Studio Ghibli including unpublished works. In this large book with a trim size of 35.0 x 27.7 cm (12.8 x 10.1 in), portrait, the illustrations are reproduced at or close to their original size, in its true colors and texture of the original drawings realized by high-quality printing. Discover how the fascinating world of Miyazaki's creation begins.
Original Japanese version of the book without furigana.