EAN: 9784872178883
ISBN: 978-4-87217-888-3 // ISBN: 9784872178883
Year of publication: 2014
Publisher: ASK
Number of pages: 175
Language: English, Japanese
Country of origin: Japan
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Maneshite Jotatsu! Nihongo Ondoku Training is a book to practice reading out loud and pronunciation in Japanese. The main goal of the book is that students are able to memorize new vocabulary and at the same time, they can develop their listening and speaking skills in Japanese.
The book is divided in 4 parts, which contain 30 units. Each unit develops a certain topic: talk in restaurants, in hotels, travel around Japan etc. There is even a section of Japanese proverbs and tongue twisters that students must try to read out loud.
The book contains 2 CDs in which all examples are read. The audio can be also found at the beginning of this file. The methodology of the book is the following: students read each text out loud, then they listen that same texts and at the end, they read the texts at the same time the audio sounds. By using this technique, students will memorize new vocabulary, they will practice pronunciation and they will develop listening comprehension in Japanese.
transcriptions of all audios can be found at the end of the book.
Description by the publisher