EAN: 9784053049452
ISBN: 978-4-05-304945-2 // ISBN: 9784053049452
Year of publication: 2019
Publisher: Gakken Education Publishing
Number of pages: 1147
Language: Japanese
Country of origin: Japan
New Rainbow (Elementary School Japanese kanji Dictionary) - 6th edition (Small Edition) is a kanji dictionary for Japanese children from Gakken Education Publishing.
Original title in Japanese: 新レインボー小学漢字辞典 改訂第6版 小型版 小型版
The dictionary includes 3150 kanji and 37500 words or expressions and features a clear, neat and truly beautiful layout. Japanese children have been enjoying this dictionary for over forty years, with the first edition dating back to 1982. The great new feature of this sixth edition is that it has been brought out in full colour, making it more readable and beautiful.
This dictionary is written entirely in Japanese. It could be used by intermediate and advanced learners of Japanese, as the book was originally intended for native Japanese children. The kanji in the definitions include furigana.
The dictionary comes in a cardboard slipcase and is protected with a plastic dust jacket.
- Easy to read thanks to the full-colour layout and different font sizes.
- Full of photos and illustrations.
- Detailed, easy-to-understand explanations.
- Various ways of finding kanji are included, either by number of strokes, radicals, readings, etc.
Description in Japanese provided by the publisher:
全ページオールカラー! 読みやすく、引きやすく、使いやすい!
付録として、別冊「まんがでわかる 漢字辞典のつかい方」がついています。
類書で唯一! しおりのひもが2本ついています。