EAN: 9784789016988
ISBN: 978-4-7890-1698-8 // ISBN: 9784789016988
Year of publication: 2018
Publisher: The Japan Times
Number of pages: 317
Languages: Japanese, English
Country of origin: Japan
Description by the publisher:
A grammar workbook completely based on A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar, a long-running bestseller of Japanese learning books. Companion study tools in the form of PowerPoint® slides help users get even more out of their workbook practices, both in the classroom and in self-study.
A solid understanding of grammar is a must-have for any language learner, but it takes more to become able to effectively communicate in the target language. Learners need to practice constructing proper sentences based on their knowledge of grammar and using those constructions in real-world situations and natural contexts.
Focused on basic Japanese grammar, this workbook helps users to efficiently gain such practice, whether it be in the class-room or in self-study.