EAN: 9784893589361
ISBN: 978-4-89358-936-1 // ISBN: 9784893589361
Year of publication: 2018
Publisher: Bonjinsha Co.LTD
Number of pages: 100
Languages: Japanese
Country of origin: Japan
JLPT Koshiki Mondaishu is a collection of books to prepare for the Nôken exam, edited by Bonjinsha with the collaboration of the Japan Foundation and the the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES), entities in charge of organizing the official exam worldwide. Thus, the content of this collection is completely reliable.
JLPT Koshiki Mondaishu N1 –Second edition (Book + CD) is divided in three parts:
1) Contains real exam examples in every area.
2) The transcription of the listening part and the solutions are provided.
3) In the last part, it is explained how the exam works
The main feature of this book is that the questions are collected from real exams.
Content of the book in Japanese:
日本語能力試験公式問題集 第二集 N1
1 試験問題
言語知識 (文字・語彙・文法)・読解
2 正答表と聴解スクリプト
3 日本語能力試験の概要