
Kaitei ban Mimi Kara Oboeru Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken Goi Training N3 - QR code for audios

EAN: 9784757436916

ISBN: 978-4-7574-3691-6 // ISBN: 9784757436916
Year of publication: 2021
Publisher: ALC
Number of pages: 223 (Main book) + 12 (Answer key)
Language: Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean
Country of origin: Japan

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Kaitei ban Mimi Kara Oboeru Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken Goi Training is a book series focused in learning vocabulary from different levels of JLPT. This one in particular is focused on N3. 

This book is divided in 12 units that include 876 words. Each unit includes words categorized in verbs, adjectives nouns and even words written in Katakana. The meaning of all words is written in English, Chinese and Korean. This book series makes emphasis in word collocation, hence, all words include sentences that put them into context and they also include related terms such as synonyms and antonyms. 

All units of this book include exercises to practice, some of them with the same structure as the real JLPT. Other exercises require audio and students must identify the correct word when they hear it. 

One of the main features of this book series is that all words and sentences can be listened through the downloadable audios. These files can be downloaded by using the QR code located inside the book. 

The answer key of all exercises can be found at the end of the book. 

A suitable book for N3 students who wish to review and learn vocabulary for the exam. 

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