EAN: 9784866511757
ISBN: 978-4-86651-175-7 // ISBN: 9784866511757
Year of publication: 2020
Publisher: Bunkyosha
Number of pages: 104
Language: Japanese
Country of origin: Japan
New edition of the Fourth book of the Japanese bestseller series Unko Kanji Drill that meant a new and revolutionary approach to Kanji learning.
This collection is designed to make it easier for students to remember the kanji they are studying, which is why all examples used in this book include the word "poo" (unko).
The publisher has been working on this collection for two years with the intention to provide a way of teaching kanji that would not only consist in repeatedly writing the kanji - that is how they came up with this fun and emotion based method.
In this volume, students will study 200 kanjis.
Main features of the book:
- The kanjis are sorted by meaning and shape.
- It includes the order of the kanji strokes and explanatory notes on their shape and orientation.
- Each kanji comes with three sample sentences.
- Students must complete the exercises of the sample sentences (reading and writing).
At the end of the book you will find a plasticized sheet displaying all the kanjis studied in this book.