EAN: 9784866395692
ISBN: 978-4-86639-569-2 // ISBN: 9784866395692
Year of publication: 2023
Publisher: ASK
Number of pages: 245 (Main book) + 28 (Answer key)
Language: Japanese, English
Country of origin: Japan
First volume of the two volumes that make up the introductory part of the Practical Kanji series. This first volume includes the first 250 kanji and is complemented by Practical Kanji-An introductory Kanji Textbook vol. 2 which includes kanji 251 to 500 and completes the introductory part of this series.
Practical Kanji-An introductory Kanji Textbook approaches the study of kanji in a different and very complete way. The first volume is divided into 23 lessons in which about 12 new kanji are taught per unit. Each lesson is grouped into areas of knowledge: numbers, days of the week, etc. Each lesson provides tables for the study of the kanji explaining the stroke order and all possible readings. Reading comprehension, writing, and listening comprehension exercises are then included to help in the memorization of the kanji and words learned in each lesson. As the study deepens, the book retrieves the kanji learned in previous lessons in different contexts.
The book is written in Japanese with English and Vietnamese translations of all texts and words. Also included is a QR code for downloading audio and PDF templates for practicing the kanji studied. In addition, it also includes a red semi-transparent plastic sheet with which to cover the hiragana readings and thus help in the memorization of what has been studied.
The first two volumes of Practical Kanji include the 500 kanji of levels 4 and 5 of the JLPT exams, so these books can also serve as a complement for the preparation of the official exam.
1 お店のメニュー/Restaurant Menu
2 パーティーのポスター/Party Poster
3 会社の人からのメッセージ/Message from a Coworker
4 オンラインストア/Online Store
5 ホテルのウェブサイト/Hotel Website
6 駅の周りの表示/Signs around the Station
7 日本語クラスのもうしこみ/Applying for Jaoanese Class
8 年賀状と家族/New Year Cards and Family
9 ホテルのレビューサイト/Hotel Review Site
10 イベントのポスター/Evant Poster
11 ツイッター/Twitter
12 スケジュール張/Schedule Book
13 アクセスの案内メール/E-mail Giving Route Directions
14 工場案内/Factory Infomation
15 手紙のおもて書き/Writing an Address on a Letter
16 旅行会社のウェブサイト/Travel Agency Website
17 旅館内の表示/Signs lnside a Ryokan(Japanese lnn)
18 京都旅行のブログ/Kyoto Trip Blog
19 体のツボのポスター/Acupressure Point Poster
20 薬の説明書/Medicine Directions
21 社内クラブのお知らせ/Notice Regarding Company Club
22 日本のガイドブック①地理/Japan Guidebook①Geography
23 日本のガイドブック②天気/Japan Guidebook②Weather