EAN: 9784801960114
ISBN: 978-4-8019-6011-4 // ISBN: 9784801960114
Year of publication: 2022
Publisher: Bamboo Comics
Number of pages: 200
Language: Japanese
Country of origin: Japan
Volume 6 of Made in Abyss (メイドインアビス) a manga series written and illustrated by Akihito Tsukushi. It was serialized on the website Comic Gamma but it was later adapted into a physical format.
This manga is the story of Riko, an orphaned girl who lives in the town of Orth. Very close to this place, there is a giant hole known as the abyss, which connects the surface of the earth with its center. In this hole, there are artifacts of an old civilization that Cave Raiders try to find. Riko's goal will be to be the best Cave Raider as her mother was in the past.
This manga does not contain furigana.