EAN: 9784757430419
ISBN: 978-4-7574-3041-9 // ISBN: 9784757430419
Year of publication: 2017
Publisher: ALC
Number of pages: 135
Languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Portuguese
Country of origin: Japan
Nihongo Short Stories 1 (JLPT 3) includes 20 intermediate-level short stories.
The aim of this book and its second volume, Nihongo Short Stories 1 (JLPT 3), is to provide an intermediate-level reading experience so perfectly adjusted that the use of a dictionary will not be necessary.
The short stories employ the vocabulary and grammar of the JLPT 3 exam.
At the beginning of each story, you will find some illustrations and short summaries that will help you improve your reading comprehension.
For any word above level 3 of the JLPT there is a translation into English, Chinese, Vietnamese and Portuguese at the bottom of the page.
The kanjis include furiganas.
1 湖になりなさい
2 二人の兄弟
3 コップを置いて
4 おもらし
5 犬の一生が短い理由
6 2月14日はバラの花を
7 ぴかぴかの家
8 あなたはビンに何を入れますか
9 ペイフォワード(Pay-it-forward)
10 ポスト・イット(Posi-it)
11 医者と父親
12 一杯の牛乳
13 ツイッター(Twitter)
14 僕はお兄ちゃんだから
15 ルーム・トゥ・リード(Room to read)
16 父の目
17 あの日の出来事
18 サンタのお手伝いさん
19 グラミン銀行
20 トイレの花子さん