EAN: 9784866397306
ISBN: 978-4-86639-730-6 // ISBN: 9784866397306
Year of publication: 2024
Publisher: ASK
Number of pages: 160
Language: Japanese
Country of origin: Japan
First volume of Japanese Graded Readers level 3, one of the most well-known series of graded reading books.
This volume contains five pre-intermediate level stories, each of 800 words/2500-5000 characters.
All stories are narrated by native speakers.
The texts are written in Japanese and include furiganas.
The colourful layout with its numerous illustrations helps the student understand the stories better.
- Stories in this volume:
・小泉八雲の怖い話 むじな・幽霊滝
・この人だあれ? お札の話
・芥川龍之介短編集 蜘蛛の糸・鼻
The Japanese Graded Readers collection
This Graded Readers series has 4 levels and several volumes for each level.
Level 3 has three volumes.
Within each volume, the reading material becomes progressively more demanding.
Levels of the series Japanese Graded Readers:
-Level 0. Beginners. 350 words. 400 characters per story.
-Level 1. First half of the basic level. 350 words. 400-1500 characters per story. JLPT level 5.
-Level 2. Second half of the basic level. 500 words. 1500-2500 characters per story. JLPT level 4.
-Level 3. Pre- intermediate. 800 words. 2500-5000 characters per story. JLPT level 4-3.
-Level 4. Intermediate. 1300 words. 5000-10000 characters per story. JLPT level 3-2.