EAN: 9784087032291
ISBN: 978-4-08-703229-1 // ISBN: 9784087032291
Year of publication: 2010
Publisher: Shueisha
Number of pages: 258
Language: Japanese
Country of origin: Japan
A novel in the original Japanese language that will delight Naruto fans.
The texts in the book do not include furigana.
Original title in Japanese: NARUTO-ナルト- ド根性忍伝
Description in Japanese provided by the publisher:
この一冊がナルトを、長門を、ミナトを変えた。劇中で登場した小説が、現実のものとなってキミの手に! JC累計発行一億冊突破を記念して、ナルトの師匠自来也まぼろしの著作が刊行だ!