EAN: 9781138292659
ISBN: 978-1-138-29265-9 // ISBN: 9781138292659
Year of publication: 2018
Publisher: Routledge
Number of pages: 169
Languages: English
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Access to supplementary resources for teachers
Description by the publisher:
Action! Japan is a practical guide for intermediate to advanced students of Japanese wanting to maximize their study abroad experience and enhance their language skills.
This handy guide contains over 100 Field Performance tasks which prompt real-life interactions with native speakers. By carrying out these real-life tasks students refine and solidify existing communication skills and gain a fuller understanding of and participation in Japanese culture.
The guide also provides over 60 Performance Watch tasks which help students understand how native speakers accomplish communicative goals through guided observation and analysis of naturally occurring interactions.
Action! Japan helps students understand and participate socially in Japanese, guiding them through skill-getting and skill-using processes and enabling them to form meaningful connections with Japanese people in the community.
Topic 1 Right after arrival 着いてすぐ
Topic 2 Homestay ホームステイ
Topic 3 Location 場所
Topic 4 On campus キャンパスで
Topic 5 Eating and socializing 飲食・社交
Topic 6 Shopping 買い物
Topic 7 Travel 旅行
Topic 8 Solving problems 問題解決
Topic 9 Preparing for important events 大切な場に備えて
Topic 10 Discussing the host community 受け入れ地域について語