EAN: 9784327384654
ISBN: 978-4-327-38465-4 // ISBN: 9784327384654
Year of publication: 2014
Publisher: Kenkyusha
Number of pages: 144
Languages: Japanese
Country of origin: Japan
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Third edition of Chukyu kara manabu nihongo: Temabetsu, a book that focuses on subject-related teaching.
This kind of methodology uses a general subject likely to be of interest for the students. Together with their teacher, students will then discuss and express their opinions on the subject. The book provides them with the necessary elements to create a text of 500-900 words using specific vocabulary, expressions etc.
The book is suitable for intermediate level students.
This edition has been optimized with particular regard to the content, which is very clearly structured. Thanks to the use of two different types of ink, shades and boxes, the most important aspects are visually highlighted.
まえがき iii
『テーマ別 中級から学ぶ日本語』を使っていただく先生方へ iv
第 1 課 まなぶ〈なぞなぞ〉 ....................................................................1
第 2 課 みつける〈花の名前〉 ....................................................................7
第 3 課 たべる〈ごちそう〉 ..................................................................13
第 4 課 たとえる〈猫に小判〉 ..................................................................19
第 5 課 あきれる〈満員電車〉 ..................................................................25
第 6 課 つたえる〈思いやり〉..................................................................31
第 7 課 かざる〈名刺〉 .........................................................................38
第 8 課 おもいこむ〈男の色・女の色〉 .......................................................44
第 9 課 まもる〈見えない相手〉 ..........................................................51
第 10 課 なれる〈腕時計〉 .....................................................................57
第 11 課 つながる〈タテとヨコ〉 ..............................................................63
第 12 課 わける〈ABOAB〉 ...................................................................69
第 13 課 おもいだす〈昼のにおい〉 ..............................................................75
第 14 課 みなおす〈てるてるぼうず〉 .......................................................81
第 15 課 ふれあう〈旅行かばん〉 ..............................................................87
第 16 課 うたう〈歌の力〉 .....................................................................93
第 17 課 なおす〈命〉 ...........................................................................101
第 18 課 はなれる〈ふるさと〉 ................................................................107
第 19 課 かなえる〈ふたつの夢〉 ............................................................113
第 20 課 おぼえる〈ものづくり〉 ............................................................119
〈使いましょう〉練習項目一覧 125
索 引 133