EAN: 9784327384746
ISBN: 978-4-327-38474-6 // ISBN: 9784327384746
Year of publication: 2019
Publisher: Kenkyusha
Number of pages: 125
Language: Japanese
Country of origin: Japan
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Third edition of Jokyu de manabu nihongo: Temabetsu, a book that focuses on subject-related teaching.
This kind of methodology uses a general subject likely to be of interest for the students. Together with their teacher, students will then discuss and express their opinions on the subject. The book provides them with the necessary elements to create a text of 500-900 words using specific vocabulary, expressions etc.
The book is suitable for advanced level students.
This edition has been optimized with particular regard to the content, which is very clearly structured. Thanks to the use of two different types of ink, shades and boxes, the most important aspects are visually highlighted.
第1課 しる 〈初めての雪〉
第2課 いたわる 〈春の一日〉
第3課 ならう 〈そば屋の先生〉
第4課 よみとる 〈記事の裏側〉
第5課 さばく 〈裁判員のもやもや〉
第6課 うやまう 〈ガイドさんの宗教〉
第7課 ふせぐ 〈並ぶ文化〉
第8課 もてなす 〈ローソクの島〉
第9課 よびかける 〈一茶の目〉
第10課 えらぶ 〈自らの選択〉
第11課 いかす 〈もったいない話〉
第12課 つなぐ 〈折り鶴〉
第13課 たのしむ 〈なりわい〉
第14課 きたえる 〈健康な社会〉
第15課 いきる 〈ひとつの地球〉