EAN: 9784384057577
ISBN: 978-4-384-05757-7 // ISBN: 9784384057577
Year of publication: 2014
Publisher: Sanshusha
Number of pages: 200
Languages: Japanese, English
Country of origin: Japan
Click here to access the audio files and complementary resources of Marugoto
This book is the second Rikai (textbook) for the basic level (A2) and is supplementary to the following book Marugoto Katsudoo - Basic level 2 A2.
The Marugoto method
Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture is a series of textbooks edited by the Japan Foundation based on the JF Standard for Japanese Language Education.
The Marugoto series comprises six levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.
Each method has two books: Rikai and Katsudoo.
-Rikai (textbook), also called Rikai: Coursebook for Communicative Language Competences, helps the student acquire characters, vocabulary, grammar structures, sentence patterns and reading comprehension.
-Katsudoo (Communication activities), also called Katsudoo: Coursebook for Communicative Language Competences, trains and improves the student's ability to communicate fluently.
This series:
- is in accordance with common European guidelines.
- focuses on communication.
- includes interesting content with coloured illustrations.
- includes free audio files and complements (please see below)
Using the following link, you can download the audio files for free.
Please click on the following link for additional resources of this method.