EAN: 9784863920187
ISBN: 978-4-86392-018-7 // ISBN: 9784863920187
Year of publication: 2019
Publisher: Jreasearch
Number of pages: 159 (Main book) + 39 (Answer Key)
Language: Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese
Country of origin: Japan
Goi mappu de oboeru kanji to goi is a book mainly targeted to intermediate level students (JLPT 3 or 2) who are seeking to learn vocabulary and kanji. This book uses a methodology called 'Word Maps'. Through this system, vocabulary is grouped by topics. For example, the first unit is focused in nature, so the words of this word map will be lake, mountain, volcano, names of different animals etc.
The contains 14 units with 4 maps per lesson and each map contains around 180 words. Maps and words are translated into English, Chinese and Korean. Besides, the most important words are written with sentences contextualizing each meaning.
Each unit also includes exercises in which students should use the words they have previously learnt. The book proposes the following system to study all these words: First, students must read the words in English for a few minutes, after, they should read them in hiragana and then, check if they understand them in kanji.
This book contains vocabulary from levels 3 and 2 of JLPT official test. Since this is a book for intermediate level students, only the most advanced kanjis contain furigana.
Description by the publisher:
この本を使う人へ ……2
テーマ別マップ ……17
1 自然…19
2 一日の生活…27
3 食べ物…35
4 服・家…43
5 街・交通…51
6 公共サービス・イベント…59
7 趣味…67
8 体…75
9 病気・病院…83
10 学校・教育…91
11 学問・研究…99
12 就職…107
13 貿易・取引…115
14 反対の動き…123
復習問題 ……131
ことばのリスト ……145
・練習問題の答え ……2
・「覚えよう、新しいことば」の訳 ……6
・「体に関する慣用句」・訳 ……32